Mongo Db Atlas Clusters
MongoDb Atlas cluster is a schemaless, NoSQL database fully managed by MongoDB Inc. Unlike other resources, MongoDb Atlas cluster is not an AWS-native service. However, Stacktape seamlessly integrates it into your stacks.
MongoDb Atlas cluster is a secure, scalable, highly available and performant database. It has built-in replication, supports backups and Point-In-Time recovery.
Every stack that includes a MongoDb Atlas cluster will additionally create a new MongoDB Atlas project. This ensures isolation between stacks.
MongoDb includes an SDK for virtually any programming language. It allows you to easily query your database. Furthermore, you can configure MongoDb clusters to use a BI (Business Intelligence) connector that allows an SQL-based acess.
When to use
- Secure
- Scalable
- Performant
- Supports backups and Point-In-Time recovery
- High availability
- Supports Multi-Document ACID Transactions
- Separate billing - Even tho Stacktape seamlessly integrates MongoDb to your stacks, you still need to manage your billing separately.
Provider configuration
You must have a MongoDb Atlas account. To create one, head over to MongoDb Atlas registration page.
You need to configure:
: The easiest way to get it is logging to MongoDb Atlas console and copying it from the URL. Example:<<your-organization-id>>#clusters
.- API credentials (
). Stacktape uses those to interact with your MongoDb atlas account. You can get API Keys for you organization by following MongoDB Atlas tutorial. For security reasons, you shouldn't input these directly. The recommended way is using a.env
file together with a File directive or using secrets.
providerConfig:mongoDbAtlas:privateKey: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx42543xxpublicKey: xxxxxxxorganizationId: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxcbe63dd
MongoDb Atlas public API key
Type: string
- You can get API Keys for you organization by following Atlas MongoDB docs tutorial
MongoDb Atlas private API key
Type: string
- You can get API Keys for you organization by following MongoDB Atlas docs tutorial
- For security reasons, you should store your credentials as secrets. To learn more about secrets, refer to secrets guide
MongoDB Atlas Organization Id
Type: string
Configures connectivity settings of the MongoDB Atlas project
Type: MongoDbAtlasAccessibility
- If your stack contains a MongoDb Atlas cluster, Stacktape automatically creates MongoDb Atlas Project associated with the stack.
- All of the MongoDb Atlas clusters are deployed within this project
- Network connectivity to clusters is configured on a per project level. As a result, accessibility settings here are applied to all MongoDb Atlas clusters within your stack.
Basic Usage
resources:myMongoDbCluster:type: mongo-db-atlas-clusterproperties:clusterTier: M2myLambda:type: functionproperties:packageConfig:filePath: path/to/my/lambda.tsenvironment:- name: MONGODB_CONNECTION_STRINGvalue: $Param('myMongoDbCluster', 'AtlasMongoCluster::SrvConnectionString')accessControl:allowAccessTo:- myMongoDbCluster
import { MongoClient } from 'mongodb';const client = new MongoClient(process.env.MONGODB_CONNECTION_STRING);const handler = async (event, context) => {await client.connect();const db = client.db('mydb');await db.collection('posts').insertOne({title: 'My first post',content: 'Hello!'});const post = await db.collection('posts').findOne({ title: 'My first post' });await client.close();};
Cluster tier
- Configures resources (memory, default storage, IOPS specification) for each data-bearing node in the cluster
- To learn more about cluster tiers, refer to MongoDb Atlas cluster tier docs and list of available cluster tier.
providerConfiguration:mongoDbAtlas:apiCredentials:privateKey: 'xxxxfa523543fxxxx42543xx'publicKey: 'xxxxxxx'organizationId: 'xxxxxxxxxxx07a593cbe63dd'resources:myMongoCluster:type: 'mongo-db-atlas-cluster'properties:clusterTier: M2
Disk size
- Each cluster tier comes with a default storage size.
- All M10+ clusters autoscale the storage without any manual intervention. You can disable this behavior by configuring autoscaling properties
- All M10+ clusters also provide the ability to customize your storage capacity.
resources:myMongoCluster:type: mongo-db-atlas-clusterproperties:clusterTier: M2diskSizeGB: 60
- You can configure your cluster to automatically scale its cluster tier, storage capacity, or both based on the cluster usage.
- To help control the costs, you can select a range of cluster tiers to which your cluster can scale to.
- Cluster is
scaled up
(to the next tier), if one the following criteria is met:- Average CPU Utilization has exceeded 75% for the past hour
- Memory Utilization has exceeded 75% for the past hour
- Cluster is
scaled down
(to the lower tier), if both of the following criteria are met:- The average CPU Utilization and Memory Utilization over the past 24 hours is below 50%
- The cluster has not been scaled down (manually or automatically) in the past 24 hours
resources:myMongoDbCluster:type: mongo-db-atlas-clusterproperties:clusterTier: M10autoScaling:minClusterTier: M10maxClusterTier: M30disableDiskScaling: truedisableScaleDown: true
Minimum cluster tier to scale DOWN to
Type: string ENUM
Possible values: M10M100M140M20M200M200 Low-CPU (R200)M200_NVMEM30M300M300 Low-CPU (R300)M40M40 Low-CPU (R40)M400 Low-CPU (R400)M400_NVMEM40_NVMEM50M50 Low-CPU (R50)M50_NVMEM60M60 Low-CPU (R60)M60_NVMEM700 Low-CPU (R700)M80M80 Low-CPU (R80)M80_NVME
Maximum cluster tier to scale UP to
Type: string ENUM
Possible values: M10M100M140M20M200M200 Low-CPU (R200)M200_NVMEM30M300M300 Low-CPU (R300)M40M40 Low-CPU (R40)M400 Low-CPU (R400)M400_NVMEM40_NVMEM50M50 Low-CPU (R50)M50_NVMEM60M60 Low-CPU (R60)M60_NVMEM700 Low-CPU (R700)M80M80 Low-CPU (R80)M80_NVME
Disables disk size scaling
Type: boolean
- When disk scaling is enabled, cluster storage is automatically increased when disk space usage reaches 90%.
- Cluster storage scaling aims to achieve 70% disk utilization.
- Cluster storage is never automatically scaled down.
Disables scale down of cluster tier
Type: boolean
- When scale down is disabled, cluster can only scale Up (to higher tier).
- Backups are copies of your data that encapsulate the state of your cluster at a given time. Backups provide a safety measure in the event of a data loss.
- The default snapshot time is every day at 18:00 UTC.
- Available only in M10+ Clusters.
- Snaphots are automatically taken even for M2/M5 clusters, but have different properties. To learn more, refer to [M2 and M5 backups docs](
There are different types of snapshots with different retention period and frequency:
- Hourly snapshot: every 6 hours, retained for 2 days
- Daily snapshot: every day, retained for 7 days
- Weekly snapshot: every Saturday, retained for 4 weeks
- Monthly snapshot: last day of the month, retained for 12 months
resources:myMongoDbCluster:type: mongo-db-atlas-clusterproperties:clusterTier: M10enableBackups: true
Point-in-time recovery
- Enables Continuous Cloud Backups, which replay the oplog (history of ordered logical writes) and enables you to restore a cluster from a particular point in time.
- You can make a point in time recovery to any point within the last 7 days.
- Available only in M10+ Clusters.
- If you enable point-in-time recovery, you must also enable backups.
- MongoDb Continuous cloud backup includes additional charges. To learn more, refer to MongoDb Continuous cloud backup pricing Docs
resources:myMongoDbCluster:type: mongo-db-atlas-clusterproperties:clusterTier: M10enablePointInTimeRecovery: true
Accessing clusters from workloads
Following example shows how to grant a lambda function myMongoFunction a permission to access your mongo-db-atlas-cluster myMongoCluster.
By listing myMongoCluster in allowAccessTo of myMongoFunction, function is injected with credentials needed for accessing the cluster.
providerConfiguration:mongoDbAtlas:apiCredentials:privateKey: 'xxxxfa523543fxxxx42543xx'publicKey: 'xxxxxxx'organizationId: 'xxxxxxxxxxx07a593cbe63dd'resources:myMongoCluster:type: 'mongo-db-atlas-cluster'properties:clusterTier: M2myMongoFunction:type: functionproperties:packageConfig:filePath: 'lambdas/mongo-lambda.ts'memory: 512# by allowing access to cluster, lambda receives permissions for reading and writing into cluster databasesaccessControl:allowAccessTo:- 'myMongoCluster'environment:# injecting the connection string as environment variable- name: MONGODB_CONNECTION_STRINGvalue: $Param('myMongoCluster', 'AtlasMongoCluster::SrvConnectionString')
- Stacktape allows you to restrict the accessibility of your MongoDb cluster to only certain resources or hosts.
- In contrary to other Stacktape database resources, accesibility is set globally in your MongoDb Atlas provider configuration, and not on the resource itself. This means every MongoDb cluster in the given stack must have the same accessibility mode.
- When using shared cluster tiers (M2 and M5), you must set accessibility mode to
. This is because shared clusters does not support VPC peering. clusters(M10+). and therefore do not allow for same level of network inter-connection. Nevertheless, even when using accessibility set tointernet
, clusters are still protected as Stacktape utilizes strict identity access management between your stack workloads (functions, container-workloads, batch-jobs) and atlas mongo clusters. See sectionAccessing clusters from workloads
Configures the accessibility mode for this database
Type: string ENUM
Possible values: internetscoping-workloads-in-vpcvpcwhitelisted-ips-only
The following modes are supported:
- internet - Least restrictive mode. The database can be accessed from anywhere on the internet.
- vpc - The database can be accessed only from resources within your VPC. This
means any function (provided it has
set to true), batch job or container workload within your stack can access the cluster. Additionally, IP addresses configured inwhitelistedIps
can also access the database (even from the internet). - scoping-workloads-in-vpc - similar to vpc mode, but even more restrictive. In addition to being in the same VPC, the resources and hosts
accessing your database must also have sufficient IAM permissions (for funtions, batch jobs and container workloads, these permissions
can be granted using
in their configuration). Additionally, IP addresses configured inwhitelistedIps
can also access the database (even from the internet). - whitelisted-ips-only - The database can only be accessed from an IP addresses and CIDR blocks listed in the
To learn more about VPCs, refer to VPC Docs.
List of IP addresses or IP ranges (in CIDR format)
Type: Array of string
The behavior of this property varies based on accessibilityMode
- in the internet mode, this property has no effect as the database is are already accessible from everywhere.
- in the vpc mode and scoping-workloads-in-vpc mode, these IP addresses/ranges can be used to allow access from a speicific addresses outside of the VPC (i.e IP address of your office).
- in the whitelisted-ips-only mode, these addresses/ranges are the only addresses that can access the database.
Internet mode
- Default mode. Least restrictive. The database can be accessed from anywhere on the internet.
- Your MongoDb cluster is still protected, because any host or resource trying to access your cluster requires IAM (Identity and Access management) permissions.
- You can grant these permission to your workloads in 2 ways:
- configuring
on your workload (functions, container workloads, batch jobs) - configuring
on your workload (functions, container workloads, batch jobs)
- configuring
VPC mode
- The database can be accessed only from resources within the default VPC.
- Any function (provided it has
set to true), batch job or container workload within your stack can access the cluster. - Additionally, IP addresses configured in
can also access the cluster (even from the internet).
resources:auroraSlsPostgres:type: 'relational-database'properties:credentials:masterUserName: congormasterUserPassword: mySecretPassaccessibility:restrictAccess: 'vpc'additionalWhitelistedIps:- ''engine:type: aurora-postgresqlproperties:instances:- dbInstanceSize: db.t3.mediumport: 5432
Scoping workloads in VPC mode
- Similar to vpc mode, but even more restrictive. In addition to resource being in the VPC, any host or resource
trying to access your cluster must also have the sufficient IAM (Identity and Access management) permissions. You can
grant these permission to your workloads in 2 ways:
- configuring
on your workload (functions, container workloads, batch jobs) - configuring
on your workload (functions, container workloads, batch jobs)
- configuring
- Additionally, IP addresses configured in
can also access the database (even from the internet).
resources:# functionOne does NOT have access to database eventhough it is joined in vpcfunctionOne:type: functionproperties:packageConfig:filePath: 'path/to/my-lambda.ts'joinDefaultVpc: true# functionTwo does have access to database, because it is scoping the database in allowAccessTo listfunctionTwo:type: functionproperties:packageConfig:filePath: 'path/to/my-lambda-2.ts'joinDefaultVpc: trueaccessControl:allowAccessTo:- 'myPgSql'myPgSql:type: 'relation-database'properties:accessibility:restrictAccess: 'scoping-workloads-in-vpc'credentials:masterUserName: commandermasterUserPassword: mySecretPasswordengine:type: postgresproperties:dbName: appdatabaseport: 5432storage:diskSizeGB: 20instance:dbInstanceSize: db.t3.micro
Whitelisted IPs only mode
- The database can only be accessed from an IP addresses and CIDR blocks listed in the
resources:auroraSlsPostgres:type: 'relational-database'properties:credentials:masterUserName: congormasterUserPassword: mySecretPassaccessibility:restrictAccess: 'whitelisted-ips-only'additionalWhitelistedIps:- ''engine:type: aurora-postgresqlproperties:instances:- dbInstanceSize: db.t3.mediumport: 5432
Admin user
- Optionally, you can create an admin database user user with administrative access priviliges.
- Accessing the cluster from your workloads (batch-jobs, container-workloads or functions), is possible even without creating this user.
- Creating an admin user can be useful for performing administrative tasks, or when connecting to the cluster from a local machine.
Name of the admin user
Type: string
Password for the admin user
Type: string
providerConfiguration:mongoDbAtlas:apiCredentials:privateKey: 'xxxxfa523543fxxxx42543xx'publicKey: 'xxxxxxx'organizationId: 'xxxxxxxxxxx07a593cbe63dd'resources:myMongoCluster:type: 'mongo-db-atlas-cluster'properties:clusterTier: M2credentials:masterUserName: 'my-master-user'masterUserPassword: "$Secret('mongo-master-password')"
Business Intelligence Connector (SQL)
- Traditional business intelligence tools are designed to work with tabular, row-and-column data. The MongoDB Connector for BI allows you to query MongoDB data with SQL using tools such as Tableau, Power BI or Excel.
Enables BI connector
Type: boolean
Configures the type of node to which the BI connector will connect
Type: string ENUM
Possible values: analyticsprimarysecondary
providerConfiguration:mongoDbAtlas:apiCredentials:privateKey: 'xxxxfa523543fxxxx42543xx'publicKey: 'xxxxxxx'organizationId: 'xxxxxxxxxxx07a593cbe63dd'resources:myMongoCluster:type: 'mongo-db-atlas-cluster'properties:clusterTier: 'M10'biConnector:enabled: true
You are charged for:
- Cluster tier:
- Starting from $9 / month for M2 shared cluster and scales to $100s for dedicated instances
- List of tiers and their prices
- Data transfer:
- For most customers, data transfer fees amount to less than 10% of their bill.
- Data transfer fees are not assessed on M0, M2, and M5 instances.
- Same region: $0.01/GB, Cross-region: $0.02/GB, Internet: $0.09/GB
- For a more detailed overview, refer to MongoDb billing docs
API reference
Number of analytics nodes
Type: number
- Analytics nodes are read only nodes meant for long-running queries.
- Executing long-running queries on basic read-only or electable nodes can hinder overall performance of the cluster.
- By using analytics nodes these queries you avoid a performance impact on your operational workload handled by electable and basic read only nodes.
- Analytics nodes work well for
with read preference set onanalytics
Number of electable nodes (can become a primary node)
Type: number ENUM
Possible values: 357
- Adding electable nodes improves the redundancy and availability of a cluster.
Number of read only nodes
Type: number