Easy use - AWS S3 Buckets provide you with simple way to store, access and modify any type of object (files) in a straight forward way.
Scaling - Bucket automatically scales the storage resources up and down to meet fluctuating demands.
Reliability - S3 Buckets are designed for 99.999999999% (11 9’s) of data durability because AWS automatically creates and stores copies of all bucket objects across multiple systems. This means your data is available when needed and protected against failures, errors, and threats.
Storage flexibility - Save costs without sacrificing performance by storing data across the S3 Storage Classes, which support different data access levels at corresponding rates. You can easily setup lifecycle rules to change objects' storage class throughout their existence.
Security - S3 Buckets give you robust way to manage access to your data. You can granulary control access to your bucket to ensure data integrity.
Integration with workloads - You can easily trigger a function or a batch-job as a reaction to event happening in the bucket. This gives you ability to log activities, define alerts, and automate workflows without managing additional infrastructure.
Defnition breakdown
No description
Type: string "bucket"
Path to the directory that should be synchronized to the bucket on every deployment
Type: string
- After the sync is finished, your bucket will contain the contents of the local folder (not the other way around).
- Files are uploaded using parallel multipart uploads
- Path is relative to current working directory
Existing contents of the bucket will be deleted and replaced with the contents of the local directory. You should not use bucket with autoSync enabled for application-generated or user-generated content.
Configures accessibility of the bucket.
Type: BucketAccessibility
Configures CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) HTTP headers for the bucket.
Type: BucketCorsConfig
Enables versioning of objects in the bucket
Type: boolean
- If enabled, bucket keeps multiple variants of an object.
- This can help you to recover objects from an accidental deletion/overwrite, or to store multiple objects with the same name.
Enables encryption of the objects stored in this bucket
Type: boolean
- Objects are encrypted using the AES256 algorithm.
Configures the way objects are stored throughout their lifecycle.
Type: Array of (Expiration or NonCurrentVersionExpiration or ClassTransition or NonCurrentVersionClassTransition or AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload)
- Lifecycle rules are used to transition objects to different storage class, delete old objects, etc.
Configures CDN (Content delivery network) for this bucket
Type: BucketCdnConfiguration
Overrides one or more properties of the specified child resource.
Type: Object
- Child resouces are specified using their descriptive name (e.g.
). - To see all configurable child resources for given Stacktape resource, use
stacktape stack-info --detailed
command. - To see the list of properties that can be overriden, refer to AWS Cloudformation docs.
resources:myBucket:type: bucket
The accessibility section specifies the access policy for the bucket.
By setting restrictAccess, bucket gets predefined set of policies.
For advanced users, who need more granular control, it is possible to set accessPolicyStatements property to specify statements that will be appended to bucket policy statements.
Configures accessibility of the objects in the bucket
Type: string ENUM
Possible values: privatepublic-readpublic-read-write
Available modes:
- Only workloads and entities that have sufficient rights can read from or write to the bucket.public-read-write
- Everyone can read from and write to the bucket.public-read
- Everyone can read from the bucket. Only workloads and entities that have sufficient rights can write to the bucket.
Advanced access configuration that leverages IAM policy statemns
Type: Array of BucketPolicyIamRoleStatement
- Gives fined-grained access control to the bucket
resources:myBucket:type: bucketproperties:accessibility:restrictAccess: privateaccessPolicyStatements:- Resource:- $Param('myBucket', 'Bucket::Arn')Action:- 's3:ListBucket'Principal: '*'
No description
No description
Auto sync (directory upload)
If configured, the specified directory will be synchronized to the bucket on every deployment.
This can be used to upload content such as a statically built website to the bucket.
- After the sync is finished, your bucket will contain the contents of the local folder (not the other way around).
- Files are uploaded using parallel multipart uploads
- Path is relative to current working directory
Existing contents of the bucket will be deleted and replaced with the contents of the local directory. You should not use bucket with autoSync enabled for application-generated or user-generated content.
resources:myBucket:type: bucketproperties:autoSyncDirectory: '../public'
Uploads the public
folder to the bucket on every deployment
Static web serving
You can easily serve your static website from a bucket using CDN.
The following example shows:
- bucket configured with CDN.
- we are using
to upload our website content to bucket after upload
resources:myBucket:type: bucketproperties:autoSync:syncDirectory: '../my-build-static-web'cdn:enabled: true
You can additionally do much more with CDN such as:
- add domain names
- configure rewrites to route requests to your API's
- configure caching behaviors
- see section Cdn to learn more...
- If enabled, bucket keeps multiple variants of an object.
- This can help you to recover objects from an accidental deletion/overwrite, or to store multiple objects with the same name.
resources:myBucket:type: bucketproperties:versioning: true
When enabled, all objects uploaded to the bucket are by default server-side encrypted using the AES256 algorithm.
resources:myBucket:type: bucketproperties:encryption: true
CORS settings of the bucket. Cors configuration can be granularly controlled using cors rules.
Enables CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) HTTP headers for the bucket
Type: boolean
List of CORS rules
Type: Array of BucketCorsRule
If you do not specify any cors rules, default rule with following configuration is used:
- AllowedMethods:
- AllowedOrigins: '*'
- AllowedHeaders:
When bucket receives a preflight request from a browser, it evaluates the CORS configuration for the bucket and uses the first CORS rule that matches the incoming browser request to enable a cross-origin request. For a rule to match, the following conditions must be met:
- The request's Origin header must match one of allowedOrigins element.
- The request method (for example,
) or theAccess-Control-Request-Method
header in case of a preflightOPTIONS
request must be one of the allowedMethods. - Every header listed in the request's
header on the preflight request must match one of headers allowedHeaders.
resources:myBucket:type: bucketproperties:cors:enabled: true
Origins to accepts cross-domain requests from
Type: Array of string
- Origin is a combination of scheme (protocol), hostname (domain), and port of the URL
- Examples of same origin:
- Examples of a different origin:
Allowed HTTP headers
Type: Array of string
- Each header name in the
header of a preflight request must match a corresponding entry in the rule.
Allowed HTTP methods
Type: Array of string ENUM
Response headers that should be made available to scripts running in the browser, in response to a cross-origin request
Type: Array of string
Time in seconds that browser can cache the response for a preflight request
Type: number
Lifecycle rules
Lifecycle rules allow you to automate basic object manipulations in your bucket. This includes:
- Class transition
- Expiration
- Non current version class transition(applies to buckets with versioning enabled)
- Non current version expiration(applies to buckets with versioning enabled)
- Abort incomplete multipart upload
Class transition
Allows you to transition objects into a different storage class.
No description
Type: string "class-transition"
Number of days after the object is transitioned to another storage class
Type: number
- Relative to the date uploaded
- Depending on how often you need to access your objects, transitioning them to another storage can lead to a significant price reduction.
Storage class to transition to
Type: string ENUM
- To learn more about storage classes and transitions, refer to AWS Docs
Prefix of the objects to which the lifecycle rule is applied
Type: string
This can be useful in cases if you do not need to access objects after some time, but you still need to keep them for compliance reasons. Transferring such objects to class storage meant for archiving (for example GLACIER) can save you significant portions of your costs.
The following example shows:
- a bucket configured to transfer all uploaded objects to GLACIER storage class 90 days after upload.
resources:myBucket:type: bucketproperties:lifecycleRules:- type: class-transitionproperties:daysAfterUpload: 90storageClass: 'GLACIER'
Allows you to delete objects from the bucket after the specified amount of days after upload.
No description
Type: string "expiration"
Number of days after the object is considered expired
Type: number
- Relative to the date uploaded
Prefix of the objects to which the lifecycle rule is applied
Type: string
This can be useful in cases if objects become irrelevant for you after some time. These objects can be deleted, thus saving you storage costs.
The following example shows:
- All uploaded objects are transferred to GLACIER storage class 90 days after upload.
- After 365 days, objects are completely deleted.
resources:myBucket:type: bucketproperties:lifecycleRules:- type: class-transitionproperties:daysAfterUpload: 90storageClass: 'GLACIER'- type: expirationproperties:daysAfterUpload: 365
Non-current version class transition
Allows you to transition versioned objects into a different storage class.
No description
Type: string "non-current-version-class-transition"
Number of days after the non-current
object is transitioned to another storage class
Type: number
- Relative to date it became
(old) - Depending on how often you need to access your objects, transitioning them to another storage can lead to a significant price reduction.
Storage class to transition to
Type: string ENUM
- To learn more about storage classes and transitions, refer to AWS Docs
Prefix of the objects to which the lifecycle rule is applied
Type: string
Same as class transition rule but applied to old versions of objects. This can be useful when you want to archive old versions of an object after some time to save you costs.
The following example shows:
- all versioned objects are transferred to GLACIER storage class 10 days after they are versioned (become non-current version).
resources:myBucket:type: bucketproperties:versioning: truelifecycleRules:- type: non-current-version-class-transitionproperties:daysAfterVersioned: 10storageClass: 'DEEP_ARCHIVE'
Non-current version expiration
Allows you to delete old versions of objects from the bucket after the specified amount of days after they are versioned.
No description
Type: string "non-current-version-expiration"
Number of days after the non-current
object becomes expired.
Type: number
- Relative to date it became
(old) - This rule is effective only if the bucket has versioning enabled.
Prefix of the objects to which the lifecycle rule is applied
Type: string
This can be useful if you only need to keep older versions of objects for some time and then they can be deleted thus saving you storage costs.
The following example shows:
- all versioned objects are deleted ten days after being version (become non-current version).
resources:myBucket:type: bucketproperties:versioning: truelifecycleRules:- type: non-current-version-expirationproperties:daysAfterVersioned: 10
Abort incomplete multipart upload
Allows you to stop multipart uploads that do not complete within a specified number of days after being initiated.
No description
Type: string "abort-incomplete-multipart-upload"
Number of days after the in-complete upload is aborted, and it's parts deleted
Type: number
- Relative to the start of multipart upload
Prefix of the objects to which the lifecycle rule is applied
Type: string
When a multipart upload is not completed within the timeframe, it becomes eligible for an abort operation, and Amazon S3 stops the multipart upload (and deletes the parts associated with the multipart upload, thus saving you costs).
The following example shows:
- all incomplete uploads are stopped (and parts deleted) 5 days after initiation of multipart upload.
resources:myBucket:type: bucketproperties:lifecycleRules:- type: abort-incomplete-multipart-uploadproperties:daysAfterInitiation: 5
Enables the CDN
Type: boolean
Optimizes the bucket to serve a SPA (Single Page Application)
Type: boolean
Automatically configures the CDN to effectively serve a single page application. This does 3 things:
- Makes your content to be served from a CDN (geographically closer to your users)
- Configures cache for the objects served by the CDN. Objects are cached at the
edge location
. If the cache expires, it's downloaded from theorigin bucket
again. - Configures HTTP cache-control headers (used for browser caching).
- Automatically invalidates the CDN cache after every deployment.
URL normalization is used to have clean URLs with (whithout the .html
Type: boolean
- Enabling URL normalization makes the CDN to fetch the correct HTML files even without specifying
in the URL. - Example: Use
instead ofmy-domain.com/about.html
Configures custom caching options
Type: CdnCachingOptions
- Configures the caching behavior of your edge distribution (what & when should stay in cache, and when to refetch it from the origion)
Configures which parts of the request are forwarded to the origin (headers, query parameters, cookies etc.)
Type: CdnForwardingOptions
Enables you to redirect specific requests to a different origin
Type: Array of CdnRouteRewrite
- Each incoming request to the CDN is first evaluated against route rewrites. The requested path is compared with path pattern specified in route rewrite.
- If the requested path matches the path pattern specified by route rewrite, the request is sent to the configured route.
- Route rewrites are evaluated in order. The first match is where the request will be sent to.
- If no match is found, request is sent to the default origin (the one that the CDN is attached to).
Example use cases:
- Most of the content you are serving is a static content
served from a bucket (static website). Some content however needs to be
rendered dynamically by a lambda function. You can route paths that need
to be rendered dynamically to the lambda function through
. - You want to cache your
files longer than other files. You can create route rewrite that will catch every path ending withjpg
and set custom caching options for these paths.
Custom domain names to connect to this CDN distribution
Type: Array of DomainConfiguration
Configures locations from which the CDN serves traffic
Type: string ENUM
Possible values: PriceClass_100PriceClass_200PriceClass_All
- Higher priceclass results in more locations that serve your trafic.
- This can result in better performance, but is more costly.
- Example: If your users are located only in US & Europe, you can save money by configuring
- To learn more about price classes, refer to AWS docs
Configures headers that will be added to all responses from the CDN
Type: Array of CdnResponseHeader
Prefixes requests to the origin with specified prefix
Type: string
- Example: If the CDN receives a request with path
, the request will be sent to the origin as<
Custom error document URL
Type: string
- Error document is requested by the CDN if the original request to the origin responds with an error code
. - Example:
Custom index (root) document served for requests with path /
Type: string
Invalidates the CDN cache after each deployment
Type: boolean
- This prevents serving outdated content to your users
- If you choose to invalidate the cache, CDN will flush all the cached content and new requests will result in a request to the origin (bucket, application-load-balancer or http-api-gateway)
resources:myBucket:type: bucketproperties:cdn:enabled: true
Cdn domain names
Domains can be easily controlled by Stacktape.
If your domain DNS records are controlled by AWS Route 53, Stacktape automatically generates correct TLS certificates for your domain.
If your domain DNS records are NOT controlled by AWS:
- migrate domain with a help of domain-add command (if you are migrating domain which is currently in use, please readAWS docs).
- you can provision certificate by specifying
and specifyingdisableDnsProvision
Fully qualified (absolute) domain name.
Type: string
ARN of a custom certificate to be provisioned with this domain
Type: string
- If not specified, Stacktape will try to use automatically generated certificates.
Disables creation of a DNS record
Type: boolean
- If your DNS records are not under control of Stactakpe (AWS Route 53), you can use this parameter to disable creation of a DNS record.
- As a result, Stacktape will do all required operations to use the domain with attached endpoint, but will NOT create the DNS record.
resources:myBucket:type: bucketproperties:cdn:enabled: truedomainNames:- domainName: mydomain.com
Route rewrites
Route rewrites can be used to route requests coming to different origins: I.e., instead of forwarding a request to the bucket, the request can be routed to other resources (http-api-gateway, bucket, or application-load-balancer).
Path to be adjusted by this route rewrite
Type: string
- You can use wildcards for your path patterns to match multiple paths.
- To learn more about path patterns, refer to AWS docs
Prefixes every request to the origin with the specified prefix
Type: string
- Example: If the CDN receives a request with path
, the request will be sent to the origin as<
Configures the origin to which the route rewrite forwards requests
Type: (CdnLoadBalancerRoute or CdnHttpApiGatewayRoute or CdnBucketRoute)
- If not set, the default origin (the one this CDN is attached to) is used
Configures headers that will be added to all responses from the CDN that match this route rewrite
Type: Array of CdnResponseHeader
Configuires custom caching options for this route rewrite
Type: CdnCachingOptions
- Configures the caching behavior of your edge distribution (what & when should stay in cache, and when to refetch it from the origion)
Enables you to redirect specific requests to a different origin
Type: CdnForwardingOptions
- Forwarding options enable you to set which parts of the request are forwarded to the origin (headers, query params, cookies etc.)
Routing to a bucket
No description
Type: string "bucket"
Name of the bucket
Type: string
Disables URL normalization (ability to use clean urls without the .html
Type: boolean
- URL normalization is useful when you want to serve HTML files from the bucket
- When the URL normalization is enabled, the CDN is able to fetch correct HTML files from the bucket even when incomplete URL is used (without the
extension) - This enables you to use URLs such as
instead of urls>/about <
or>/about.html <
In the following example we are routing all request with URL path starting with /images
to the
bucket myBucket2 which contains all of our images. All other requests are routed to the bucket myBucket.
resources:myBucket:type: bucketproperties:cdn:enabled: truerouteRewrites:- path: /images/*routeTo:type: bucketproperties:bucketName: myBucket2disableUrlNormalization: truemyBucket2:type: 'bucket'
Routing to application-load-balancer
No description
Type: string "application-load-balancer"
Name of the Load balancer
Type: string
Port of the Load balancer listener
Type: number
Explicitly sets the origin domain name you wish to use when forwarding to load balancer
Type: string
- This is only neccessary if the load balancer has no
attached and listener usescustomCertificateArns
In the following example we are routing all request with url path starting with /api
to the
load-balancer myLoadBalancer. All other requests are routed to the bucket myBucket.
resources:myBucket:type: bucketproperties:cdn:enabled: truerouteRewrites:- path: /api/*routeTo:type: 'application-load-balancer'properties:loadBalancerName: myLoadBalancerlistenerPort: 443myLoadBalancer:type: 'application-load-balancer'properties:listeners:- port: 443protocol: HTTPS
Routing to http-api-gateway
No description
Type: string "http-api-gateway"
Name of the HTTP Api Gateway
Type: string
The following example shows:
- CDN configuration in which we are routing all requests with URL path starting with
to the http-api-gateway appApiGateway. - All other requests are routed to the bucket myBucket.
resources:myBucket:type: bucketproperties:cdn:enabled: truerouteRewrites:- path: /api/*routeTo:type: 'http-api-gateway'properties:httpApiGatewayName: appApiGatewayappApiGateway:type: 'http-api-gateway'
Caching options
Caching options enable you to specify caching settings for your CDN.
You can specify different cache options for each route rewrite. This gives you the ability to cache different types of content differently.
If you do not specify caching options, Stacktape uses default caching options.
Only responses to the requests with these methods will be cached
Type: Array of string ENUM
Possible values: GETHEADOPTIONS
- Possible values are:
['GET', 'HEAD']
The minimum amount of time in seconds that the objects will stay in the CDN cache before another request is sent to the origin
Type: number
- To learn more about cache expiration, refer to AWS Docs
The maximum amount of time in seconds that the objects will stay in the CDN cache before another request is sent to the origin
Type: number
- To learn more about cache expiration, refer to AWS Docs
The default amount of time in seconds that the objects will stay in the CDN cache before another request is sent to the origin
Type: number
- To learn more about cache expiration, refer to AWS Docs
Disables athe utomatic file compression by the CDN
Type: boolean
- The CDN compresses files using the Gzip and Brotli compression methods by default.
- If the viewer supports both formats, Brotli version is used.
- To learn more about compression, refer to AWS Docs
Disables Brotli compression
Type: boolean
Disables Gzip compression
Type: boolean
Configures HTTP headers, cookies, and URL query strings to include in the cache key
Type: CdnCacheKey
- The values included in the cache key are automatically forwarded in the requests that the CDN sends to the origin.
The following example shows:
- CDN configuration in which we are setting default TTL for the default route to 604800 seconds (7 days).
- Every request with URL path ending with
will be cached for 2592000 seconds (30 days).
resources:myBucket:type: bucketproperties:cdn:enabled: truecachingOptions:defaultTTL: 604800routeRewrites:- path: '*.jpg'cachingOptions:defaultTTL: 2592000
Specify cache key
The cache key section specifies which parts of a request are included in the cache key.
By default, requests are cached only based on the path.
A cache key can be configured to include headers, cookies, or query params.
Configures cookies that will be included in the cache key
Type: CacheKeyCookies
- The cookies included in the cache key are automatically forwarded in the requests that the CDN sends to the origin.
- By default no cookies are included in the cache key.
Configures headers that will be included included in the cache key
Type: CacheKeyHeaders
- The headers included in the cache key are automatically forwarded in the requests that the CDN sends to the origin.
- By default no headers (except
for compression to work) are included in the cache key.
Configures query parameters that will be included in the cache key
Type: CacheKeyQueryString
- The query params included in the cache key are automatically forwarded in the requests that the CDN sends to the origin.
- By default no query params are included in the cache key.
Cache key headers
No headers are included in the cache key
Type: boolean
Only the headers listed are included in the cache key
Type: Array of string
Cache key query string
All query params are included in the cache key
Type: boolean
No query params are included in the cache key
Type: boolean
Only the query parameters listed are included in the cache key
Type: Array of string
Forwarding options
Forwarding options specify which parts of a request get forwarded to the origin.
Different forwarding options can be specified for each route rewrite.
If no forwarding options are specified, Stacktape uses default forwarding options.
Adds static headers that the CDN will add to all requests sent to the origin
Type: Array of CdnCustomRequestHeader
Configured methods that will be forwarded by the CDN to the origin
Type: Array of string ENUM
- If not set, all methods are forwarded
Configured cookies forwarded to the origin
Type: ForwardCookies
- If not set, all cookies are forwarded
- All cookies that are part of the cache key (see
) are automatically forwarded to the origin.
Configured headers will be forwarded to the origin
Type: ForwardHeaders
- If not set, all headers are forwarded
- All headers that are part of the cache key (see
) are automatically forwarded to the origin.
Configured query params will be forwarded to the origin
Type: ForwardQueryString
- If not set, all query string parameters are forwarded
- All query string parameters that are part of the cache key (see
) are automatically forwarded to the origin.
In the following example we are configuring CDN to only forward requests with methods GET
resources:myBucket:type: bucketproperties:cdn:enabled: trueforwardingOptions:allowedMethods:- 'GET'
Forwarding headers
No headers are forwarded to the origin
Type: boolean
Only the headers listed are forwarded to the origin
Type: Array of string
All viewer headers are forwarded to the origin
Type: boolean
All viewer headers and additional listed CDN headers are forwarded to the origin
Type: Array of string
Forwarding query string
All query params are forwarded to the origin
Type: boolean
No query params are forwarded to the origin
Type: boolean
Only the query parameters listed are forwarded to the origin
Type: Array of string
API reference
Name of the header
Type: string
Value of the header
Type: string
Name of the header
Type: string
Value of the header
Type: string
Key of the tag
Type: string
Value of the tag
Type: string