Application Load Balancers
Application Load balancer is an entry-point to your application. Load balancer routes traffic to your application and integrates easily with workloads of your stack: functions, batch-jobs or container-workloads.
- Application load balancers are used to communicate with your workloads using the HTTP protocol.
- You can offload SSL/TLS (HTTPS) termination to the load-balancer instead of handling it as a part of your application.
- You can easily configure custom domain names or put CDN in front of your application-load-balancer.
When to use
An application load balancer is a good fit for many cloud applications. Whether your backend is running on container-workloads or functions thanks to high throughput and low latency, an application load balancer is ideal for high load fast performing applications.
- Predictable pricing - Application load balancers have a predictable pricing model which can be found here. Even though application-load-balancers have fixed base price per month (as opposed to http-api-gateways, where you only pay for requests), when traffic is high application-load-balancer can be cheaper.
- Scaling - Application load balancer is designed to handle traffic as it grows and can load balance millions of requests/sec.
- Health checks - When an application load balancer is used with container-workloads, the load balancer periodically checks the health of target containers. It only sends requests to healthy ones and automatically notifies container-workload to replace unhealthy containers.
- Content based routing - If your application is composed of several individual services, application-load-balancer can route a request to a service based on the content of the request such as Host field, Path URL, HTTP header, HTTP method, Query string or Source IP address.
- Ease of use - Integrate with workloads of your stack with few lines of config
- Security - You can offload SSL/TLS (HTTPS) termination to the load-balancer instead of handling it as a part of your application. This means that any communication between load-balancer and client can be encrypted.
- Fixed price base - You are paying ~20$/month for application-load-balancer even if it is sitting idle. When you have low traffic application or do NOT need the advantages that application-load-balancer offers, you might try using http-api-gateway
Simple usage
No description
Type: string "application-load-balancer"
Configures listeners (combinations of port and protocol) for this Load balancer
Type: Array of ApplicationLoadBalancerListener
- Listeners are used to expose specific ports of the Load balancer.
- By default no ports are exposed
Configures accessibility of the Load balancer
Type: string ENUM
Possible values: internalinternet
: Load balancer is accessible from the internetinternal
: Load balancer is accessible only from within the same VPC network To learn more about VPCs, refer to Stacktape docs
Configures domain names attached to this Load balancer
Type: Array of string
Configures CDN (Content Delivery Network) to be in front of your Load balancer
Type: ApplicationLoadBalancerCdnConfiguration
- CDN is a globally distributed (edge) cache that can cache reponses of your Load balancer
- CDN can reduce latency, reduce the amount of traffic coming to the Load balancer and lower infrastructure costs.
Overrides one or more properties of the specified child resource.
Type: Object
- Child resouces are specified using their descriptive name (e.g.
). - To see all configurable child resources for given Stacktape resource, use
stacktape stack-info --detailed
command. - To see the list of properties that can be overriden, refer to AWS Cloudformation docs.
The following example shows a simple application-load-balancer with a single listener exposed.
resources:myLoadBalancer:type: 'application-load-balancer'properties:listeners:- port: 443protocol: HTTPS
Configure listeners
Listeners provide a way to expose ports of application-load-balancer. They makes application-load-balancer accessible from the outside and forward traffic to workloads (functions, container-workloads, batch-jobs) of your stack.
Protocol used for the listener
Type: string ENUM
Possible values: HTTPHTTPS
- If
protocol is used, listener needs to have SSL/TLS certificates configured. This can be achieved in 2 ways:- Configure
to make Stacktape automatically generate and use SSL/TLS certificates. - Configure
to use custom certificate (referenced by their ARN - Amazon Resource Name)
- Configure
Port number on which the listener is accessible
Type: number
- By default,
connections use port443
connections use port80
Used to configure custom SSL/TLS certicates
Type: Array of string
- Configuring certifacates is not necessary, if you specify
or you don't useHTTPS
protocol for this listener.
Limits accessibility of the listener to only specific IP addresses
Type: Array of string
- By default all IP addresses are whitelisted.
Configures the behavior of the listener for request that cannot be matched to any integration.
Type: LbRedirect
- At the moment, only default action supported is
Following example shows application-load-balancer with one listeners. HTTPS listener at port 443.
resources:myLoadBalancer:type: 'application-load-balancer'properties:listeners:- port: 443protocol: HTTPS
Default listener action
Default listener action determines what to do with a request that does not match any event integration associated with this listener (see integrating with workloads).
Type of the default action
Type: string "redirect"
HTTP redirect code
Type: string ENUM
Possible values: HTTP_301HTTP_302
- Use
for permanent redirect - Use
for temporary redirect
Absolute path to redirect to.
Type: string
- Starting with the leading "/".
- Not percent-encoded.
Query parameters for the redirect.
Type: string
- URL-encoded when necessary, but not percent-encoded.
- Do not include the leading "?", as it is automatically added.
- Use
Port for the redirect.
Type: number
- You can specify a value from 1 to 65535 or
Hostname for the redirect.
Type: string
- Not percent-encoded.
Protocol for the redirect.
Type: string ENUM
Possible values: HTTPHTTPS
- Must be
, or#{protocol}
. - You cannot redirect
The following example extends the previous one and shows application-load-balancer with two listeners:
- HTTPS listener at port 443
- HTTP listener at port 80. HTTP listener has default redirect action configured. This means that any HTTP request is automatically redirected to its HTTPS version.
resources:myLoadBalancer:type: 'application-load-balancer'properties:listeners:- port: 443protocol: HTTPS- port: 80protocol: HTTPdefaultAction:type: redirectproperties:statusCode: HTTP_301protocol: HTTPSport: 443
Integrating with workloads
To integrate, add an event integration to the workload.
The following example extends the previous one and shows:
- container-workload mySingleContainer with event integration which delivers all requests incoming to myLoadBalancer's listener on port 443 to the container.
resources:myLoadBalancer:type: 'application-load-balancer'properties:listeners:- port: 443protocol: HTTPS- port: 80protocol: HTTPdefaultAction:type: redirectproperties:statusCode: HTTP_301protocol: HTTPSport: 443mySingleContainer:type: 'container-workload'properties:containers:- name: myContimageConfig:filePath: containers/ts-container.tsenvironment:- name: portvalue: '80'events:- type: application-load-balancerproperties:loadBalancerName: myLoadBalancerlistenerPort: 443containerPort: 80priority: 2paths:- '*'
More information on integrating workloads with application load balancer can be found:
Domain names
Domains can be easily controlled by Stacktape.
If your domain DNS records are controlled by AWS Route 53, Stacktape automatically generates correct TLS certificates for your domain and assign them to listeners.
If your domain DNS records are NOT controlled by AWS:
- migrate domain with a help of domain-add command (if you are migrating domain which is currently in use, please readAWS docs).
- you can provision certificate by specifying
for your listener.
resources:myLoadBalancer:type: 'application-load-balancer'properties:domainNames:- my-app.mydomain.comlisteners:- port: 443protocol: HTTPS
Listener port to which the CDN traffic will be forwarded
Type: number
Enables the CDN
Type: boolean
Configures origin domain name usef for forwarding to load balancer
Type: string
- This is only neccessary if the load balancer has no
attached and the listener usescustomCertificateArns
Configures custom caching options
Type: CdnCachingOptions
- Configures the caching behavior of your edge distribution (what & when should stay in cache, and when to refetch it from the origion)
Configures which parts of the request are forwarded to the origin (headers, query parameters, cookies etc.)
Type: CdnForwardingOptions
Enables you to redirect specific requests to a different origin
Type: Array of CdnRouteRewrite
- Each incoming request to the CDN is first evaluated against route rewrites. The requested path is compared with path pattern specified in route rewrite.
- If the requested path matches the path pattern specified by route rewrite, the request is sent to the configured route.
- Route rewrites are evaluated in order. The first match is where the request will be sent to.
- If no match is found, request is sent to the default origin (the one that the CDN is attached to).
Example use cases:
- Most of the content you are serving is a static content
served from a bucket (static website). Some content however needs to be
rendered dynamically by a lambda function. You can route paths that need
to be rendered dynamically to the lambda function through
. - You want to cache your
files longer than other files. You can create route rewrite that will catch every path ending withjpg
and set custom caching options for these paths.
Custom domain names to connect to this CDN distribution
Type: Array of DomainConfiguration
Configures locations from which the CDN serves traffic
Type: string ENUM
Possible values: PriceClass_100PriceClass_200PriceClass_All
- Higher priceclass results in more locations that serve your trafic.
- This can result in better performance, but is more costly.
- Example: If your users are located only in US & Europe, you can save money by configuring
- To learn more about price classes, refer to AWS docs
Configures headers that will be added to all responses from the CDN
Type: Array of CdnResponseHeader
Prefixes requests to the origin with specified prefix
Type: string
- Example: If the CDN receives a request with path
, the request will be sent to the origin as<
Custom error document URL
Type: string
- Error document is requested by the CDN if the original request to the origin responds with an error code
. - Example:
Custom index (root) document served for requests with path /
Type: string
Invalidates the CDN cache after each deployment
Type: boolean
- This prevents serving outdated content to your users
- If you choose to invalidate the cache, CDN will flush all the cached content and new requests will result in a request to the origin (bucket, application-load-balancer or http-api-gateway)
resources:myLoadBalancer:type: 'application-load-balancer'properties:listeners:- port: 443protocol: HTTPScdn:enabled: truelistenerPort: 443
Cdn domain names
Domains can be easily controlled by Stacktape.
If your domain DNS records are controlled by AWS Route 53, Stacktape automatically generates correct TLS certificates for your domain.
If your domain DNS records are NOT controlled by AWS:
- migrate domain with a help of domain-add command (if you are migrating domain which is currently in use, please readAWS docs).
- you can provision certificate by specifying
and specifyingdisableDnsProvision
Fully qualified (absolute) domain name.
Type: string
ARN of a custom certificate to be provisioned with this domain
Type: string
- If not specified, Stacktape will try to use automatically generated certificates.
Disables creation of a DNS record
Type: boolean
- If your DNS records are not under control of Stactakpe (AWS Route 53), you can use this parameter to disable creation of a DNS record.
- As a result, Stacktape will do all required operations to use the domain with attached endpoint, but will NOT create the DNS record.
resources:myLoadBalancer:type: 'application-load-balancer'properties:listeners:- port: 443protocol: HTTPScdn:enabled: truelistenerPort: 443domainNames:- domainName:
Route rewrites
Route rewrites can be used to route incoming requests to different origins: I.e., instead of forwarding a request to the application-load-balancer, the request can be forwarded to another origin (http-api-gateway, bucket or application-load-balancer).
Path to be adjusted by this route rewrite
Type: string
- You can use wildcards for your path patterns to match multiple paths.
- To learn more about path patterns, refer to AWS docs
Prefixes every request to the origin with the specified prefix
Type: string
- Example: If the CDN receives a request with path
, the request will be sent to the origin as<
Configures the origin to which the route rewrite forwards requests
Type: (CdnLoadBalancerRoute or CdnHttpApiGatewayRoute or CdnBucketRoute)
- If not set, the default origin (the one this CDN is attached to) is used
Configures headers that will be added to all responses from the CDN that match this route rewrite
Type: Array of CdnResponseHeader
Configuires custom caching options for this route rewrite
Type: CdnCachingOptions
- Configures the caching behavior of your edge distribution (what & when should stay in cache, and when to refetch it from the origion)
Enables you to redirect specific requests to a different origin
Type: CdnForwardingOptions
- Forwarding options enable you to set which parts of the request are forwarded to the origin (headers, query params, cookies etc.)
Routing to a bucket
No description
Type: string "bucket"
Name of the bucket
Type: string
Disables URL normalization (ability to use clean urls without the .html
Type: boolean
- URL normalization is useful when you want to serve HTML files from the bucket
- When the URL normalization is enabled, the CDN is able to fetch correct HTML files from the bucket even when incomplete URL is used (without the
extension) - This enables you to use URLs such as
instead of urls>/about <
or>/about.html <
In the following example we are routing all request with url path starting with /static
to the
bucket myBucket which contains our static content. All other requests are routed to the application-load-balancer
resources:myLoadBalancer:type: 'application-load-balancer'properties:listeners:- port: 443protocol: HTTPScdn:enabled: truelistenerPort: 443routeRewrites:- path: /static/*routeTo:type: bucketproperties:bucketName: myBucketdisableUrlNormalization: truemyBucket:type: 'bucket'
Routing to application-load-balancer
No description
Type: string "application-load-balancer"
Name of the Load balancer
Type: string
Port of the Load balancer listener
Type: number
Explicitly sets the origin domain name you wish to use when forwarding to load balancer
Type: string
- This is only neccessary if the load balancer has no
attached and listener usescustomCertificateArns
In the following example we are routing all request with url path starting with /app2
to the
application-load-balancer myLoadBalancer2. All other requests are routed to the application-load-balancer
resources:myLoadBalancer:type: 'application-load-balancer'properties:listeners:- port: 443protocol: HTTPScdn:enabled: truelistenerPort: 443routeRewrites:- path: /app2/*routeTo:type: 'application-load-balancer'properties:loadBalancerName: myLoadBalancerlistenerPort: 443myLoadBalancer2:type: 'application-load-balancer'properties:listeners:- port: 443protocol: HTTPS
Routing to http-api-gateway
No description
Type: string "http-api-gateway"
Name of the HTTP Api Gateway
Type: string
In the following example we are routing all request with url path starting with /app2
to the
http-api-gateway appApiGateway. All other requests are routed to the application-load-balancer myLoadBalancer.
resources:myLoadBalancer:type: 'application-load-balancer'properties:listeners:- port: 443protocol: HTTPScdn:enabled: truelistenerPort: 443routeRewrites:- path: /app2/*routeTo:type: 'http-api-gateway'properties:httpApiGatewayName: appApiGatewayappApiGateway:type: 'http-api-gateway'
Caching options
Caching options enable you to specify caching settings for your CDN.
You can specify different cache options for each route rewrite. This gives you the ability to cache different types of content differently.
If you do not specify caching options, Stacktape uses default caching options.
Only responses to the requests with these methods will be cached
Type: Array of string ENUM
Possible values: GETHEADOPTIONS
- Possible values are:
['GET', 'HEAD']
The minimum amount of time in seconds that the objects will stay in the CDN cache before another request is sent to the origin
Type: number
- To learn more about cache expiration, refer to AWS Docs
The maximum amount of time in seconds that the objects will stay in the CDN cache before another request is sent to the origin
Type: number
- To learn more about cache expiration, refer to AWS Docs
The default amount of time in seconds that the objects will stay in the CDN cache before another request is sent to the origin
Type: number
- To learn more about cache expiration, refer to AWS Docs
Disables athe utomatic file compression by the CDN
Type: boolean
- The CDN compresses files using the Gzip and Brotli compression methods by default.
- If the viewer supports both formats, Brotli version is used.
- To learn more about compression, refer to AWS Docs
Disables Brotli compression
Type: boolean
Disables Gzip compression
Type: boolean
Configures HTTP headers, cookies, and URL query strings to include in the cache key
Type: CdnCacheKey
- The values included in the cache key are automatically forwarded in the requests that the CDN sends to the origin.
The following example shows:
- CDN configuration in which we are setting default TTL for the default route to 60 seconds (1 minute).
- every request, with URL path starting with
, will be cached for 604800 seconds (1 week).
resources:myLoadBalancer:type: 'application-load-balancer'properties:listeners:- port: 443protocol: HTTPScdn:enabled: truelistenerPort: 443cachingOptions:defaultTTL: 60routeRewrites:- path: /static/*cachingOptions:defaultTTL: 604800
Specify cache key
The cache key section specifies which parts of a request are included in the cache key.
By default, requests are cached only based on the path.
A cache key can be configured to include headers, cookies, or query params.
Configures cookies that will be included in the cache key
Type: CacheKeyCookies
- The cookies included in the cache key are automatically forwarded in the requests that the CDN sends to the origin.
- By default no cookies are included in the cache key.
Configures headers that will be included included in the cache key
Type: CacheKeyHeaders
- The headers included in the cache key are automatically forwarded in the requests that the CDN sends to the origin.
- By default no headers (except
for compression to work) are included in the cache key.
Configures query parameters that will be included in the cache key
Type: CacheKeyQueryString
- The query params included in the cache key are automatically forwarded in the requests that the CDN sends to the origin.
- By default no query params are included in the cache key.
Cache key headers
No headers are included in the cache key
Type: boolean
Only the headers listed are included in the cache key
Type: Array of string
Cache key query string
All query params are included in the cache key
Type: boolean
No query params are included in the cache key
Type: boolean
Only the query parameters listed are included in the cache key
Type: Array of string
Forwarding options
Forwarding options specify which parts of a request get forwarded to the origin.
Different forwarding options can be specified for each route rewrite.
If no forwarding options are specified, Stacktape uses default forwarding options.
Adds static headers that the CDN will add to all requests sent to the origin
Type: Array of CdnCustomRequestHeader
Configured methods that will be forwarded by the CDN to the origin
Type: Array of string ENUM
- If not set, all methods are forwarded
Configured cookies forwarded to the origin
Type: ForwardCookies
- If not set, all cookies are forwarded
- All cookies that are part of the cache key (see
) are automatically forwarded to the origin.
Configured headers will be forwarded to the origin
Type: ForwardHeaders
- If not set, all headers are forwarded
- All headers that are part of the cache key (see
) are automatically forwarded to the origin.
Configured query params will be forwarded to the origin
Type: ForwardQueryString
- If not set, all query string parameters are forwarded
- All query string parameters that are part of the cache key (see
) are automatically forwarded to the origin.
In the following example we are configuring CDN to only forward requests with methods GET
.resources:myLoadBalancer:type: 'application-load-balancer'properties:listeners:- port: 443protocol: HTTPScdn:enabled: truelistenerPort: 443forwardingOptions:allowedMethods:- 'GET'- 'POST'
Forwarding headers
No headers are forwarded to the origin
Type: boolean
Only the headers listed are forwarded to the origin
Type: Array of string
All viewer headers are forwarded to the origin
Type: boolean
All viewer headers and additional listed CDN headers are forwarded to the origin
Type: Array of string
Forwarding query string
All query params are forwarded to the origin
Type: boolean
No query params are forwarded to the origin
Type: boolean
Only the query parameters listed are forwarded to the origin
Type: Array of string
API reference
Name of the header
Type: string
Value of the header
Type: string
Name of the header
Type: string
Value of the header
Type: string