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Stack Configuration


  • Outputs are parameters of your stack that can be reused later. For example, database endpoints of your database or an ARN (Amazon resource name) of your SQS queue.
  • Outputs can also be used to pass information from one stack to another. Refer to CfStackOutput directive to learn more about referencing outputs between stacks.
  • Stacktape automatically adds potentially helpful outputs. These outputs include database URLs, domain names, URLs of API Gateways/Load balancers, etc.

- name: BaseBucketUrl
value: $Param('baseBucket', 'Bucket::DomainName')
type: bucket

The URL of the bucket is saved as an output.


Name of the stack output

Type: string


Value of the stack output

Type: string


Human-readable description of the stack output

Type: string

Default: true

Exports the stack output so it can be referenced by another stack.

Type: boolean


  • These tags are propagated to all AWS resources created in this stack.
  • Tags can help you to identify and categorize resources.
  • Not every AWS resource supports tags.
  • A maximum number of 50 tags can be specified.
CloudformationTag  API reference
Parent API reference: StackConfig

Name of the tag

Type: string

  • Must be 1-128 characters long.
  • Can consist of the following characters: Unicode letters, digits, whitespace, _, ., /, =, +, and -.


Value of the tag

Type: string

  • Must be 1-256 characters long.

Stack information preservation

  • Stacktape automatically saves some information about the deployed stack after each deployment.
  • Stack information includes data about the deployed resources, outputs, and metadata.
  • By default, the information is saved to .stack-info/<<stack-name>>.json.
  • You can disable this behavior or change the output directory.

API Reference

StackConfig  API reference

Configures outputs of your stack

Type: Array of StackOutput

  • You can save outputs of your stack (such as Api Gateway URLs, database endpoints, resources ARNs, etc.).
  • Most of these outputs are only known after your deployment is finished. (They are dynamically allocated by AWS).


Tags to apply to this stack

Type: Array of CloudformationTag

  • These tags are propagated to all AWS resources created in this stack.
  • Tags can help you to identify and categorize resources.
  • Not every AWS resource supports tags.
  • A maximum number of 50 tags can be specified.


Disables saving of information about the deployed stack to a local directory after each deployment

Type: boolean

  • Stack information include data about deployed resources, outputs, and metadata
  • By default, the information is saved to .stack-info/<>.json


Directory where the information about the deployed stacks will be saved

Type: string

  • Stack information include data about deployed resources, outputs, and metadata
  • By default, the information is saved to .stack-info/<>.json