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Deployment Options

DeploymentConfig  API reference

Set termination protection for the stack

Type: boolean

  • Stacks with termination protection enabled cannot be deleted (you need to disable protection first).


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Type: string


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Type: Array of string


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Type: number


Enables/disables automatic rollback after the deployment failure

Type: boolean

  • By default automatic rollback is disabled

  • When rollback is disabled and deployment fails:

    • the stack will be in UPDATE_FAILED state,
    • all of the successfully created resources will be kept,
    • the stack which is in UPDATE_FAILED state can either be:
      • updated using stacktape deploy command (after you fix problems),
      • rolled back using stacktape rollback command.
  • When rollback is enabled and deployment fails:

    • stack will rollback to the old version (version before this stacktape deploy),
    • new resources which were created during the failed deploy will be deleted.


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Type: Array of string

Default: 3

Amount of previous versions that will have their deployment artifacts preserved

Type: number

  • Stacktape keeps deployment artifacts from previous versions (functions, images, templates)
  • By default, Stacktape keeps 3 previous versions

Default: true

Sets S3 transfer acceleration.

Type: boolean

  • S3 transfer acceleration improves upload times of your deployment artifacts.
  • Buckets are uploaded to the nearest AWS edge location, and routed to the bucket from there using AWS backbone network.
  • This improves upload times, but costs more ($0.04 per GB).