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Prints tokens (id token, access token and refresh token) for specified user and user pool to the console. User's password and username are specified interactively using CLI. Please note that printing sensitive information to the console can be dangerous, and you shouldn't use this for production user pools.

stacktape userpool-get-token --region <<region>> --stage <<stage>> --userPoolName <<userPoolName>> --tokenType <<tokenType>>

API reference

Command options API reference
region (--r)

AWS region for given command.

Type: string ENUM

Possible values: af-south-1ap-east-1ap-northeast-1ap-northeast-2ap-northeast-3ap-south-1ap-southeast-1ap-southeast-2ca-central-1eu-central-1eu-north-1eu-south-1eu-west-1eu-west-2eu-west-3me-south-1sa-east-1us-east-1us-east-2us-west-1us-west-2

stage (--s)

Stage to deploy your stack to. Example stages are production, staging, etc.

Type: string

tokenType (--tt)

Type of the token the print to the console. accessToken can be used to access protected services or endpoints idToken can be used to retrieve information about the identity of the bearer refreshToken can be used to get new tokens, when current one expires

Type: string ENUM

Possible values: accessTokenidTokenrefreshToken

userPoolName (--upn)

Name of the user pool (as specified in configuration file).

Type: string

configPath (--cp)

Path (relative to cwd) to your stacktape configuration file. By default, it's stacktape.yml.

Type: string

currentWorkingDirectory (--cwd)

Current working directory. All file paths in your config will be resolved relatively to specified cwd. Default: directory containing configuration file.

Type: string

logFormat (--lf)

Format of logs that are being printed to your console. You can learn more at https://docs.stacktape.com/cli/using-cli Default: 'fancy'

Type: string ENUM

Possible values: basicfancyjsonnormal

logLevel (--ll)

Level of logs that are being printed to the console. You can use 'debug' for more information about what's being done, or 'error' to show only errors. Default: 'info'

Type: string ENUM

Possible values: debugerrorinfo

profile (--p)

AWS profile to use.

Type: string