logoStacktape docs


Invokes specified workload locally on your system. Emulates live AWS environment as closely as possible. Automatically injects any required parameters.

stacktape invoke-local --region <<region>> --stage <<stage>> --workload <<workload>>

API reference

Command options API reference
region (--r)

AWS region for given command.

Type: string ENUM

Possible values: af-south-1ap-east-1ap-northeast-1ap-northeast-2ap-northeast-3ap-south-1ap-southeast-1ap-southeast-2ca-central-1eu-central-1eu-north-1eu-south-1eu-west-1eu-west-2eu-west-3me-south-1sa-east-1us-east-1us-east-2us-west-1us-west-2

stage (--s)

Stage to deploy your stack to. Example stages are production, staging, etc.

Type: string

workload (--wl)

Name of the workload as specified in the stacktape config.

Type: string

configPath (--cp)

Path (relative to cwd) to your stacktape configuration file. By default, it's stacktape.yml.

Type: string

currentWorkingDirectory (--cwd)

Current working directory. All file paths in your config will be resolved relatively to specified cwd. Default: directory containing configuration file.

Type: string

dockerArgs (--da)

Arguments to pass to docker run or docker build

Type: array

event (--e)

Event to use for this invocation. Specified using {file-path}:{event-name} syntax.

Type: string

eventName (--en)

Event to use for this incovation. Event should be exported from file specified using invokeLocalConfig.testEventFilePath property in stacktape configuration.

Type: string

ignoreMissingOutput (--imo)

Ignores missing outputs from $Param and $Secret directives for local invocation. Helpful if referenced resources in these directives are not yet deployed.

Type: boolean

jsonEvent (--je)

Event to use for this invocation. Specified using raw JSON string.

Type: string

logFormat (--lf)

Format of logs that are being printed to your console. You can learn more at https://docs.stacktape.com/cli/using-cli Default: 'fancy'

Type: string ENUM

Possible values: basicfancyjsonnormal

logLevel (--ll)

Level of logs that are being printed to the console. You can use 'debug' for more information about what's being done, or 'error' to show only errors. Default: 'info'

Type: string ENUM

Possible values: debugerrorinfo

logOutput (--lo)

Logs output returned from specified workload to the console.

Type: boolean

port (--pt)

Can't remember what's this good for. Sorry. @todo

Type: string

preserveTempFiles (--ptf)

Preserves temporary files that stacktape generates.

Type: boolean

profile (--p)

AWS profile to use.

Type: string

watch (--w)

Watch for changes made to your source files and re-execute workload when they change.

Type: boolean